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God is in Love with You! - Gen. 2: 8-18

And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.  (Gen. 2:8)

The Love of God for man is so broad and complete that the human mind cannot fully comprehend it. The love is so much that a question was put across to God is the scriptures that, ‘What is man that you are mindful of him? And the son of man, that you visit him? (Ps. 8:4). This shows us that man is always in the mind of God. God is forever thinking about man. Also, God always visits man (whether he is conscious of it or not). The Book of Job 7, verse 17 also said, ‘What is man, that you magnify him and that you should set your heart upon him? Whether you know it or not and whether you believe it or not, God is always thinking about you! This is because He loves you so dearly. I can emphatically say that ‘God is in love with you!
However, we are quick to say, if God truly loves me, He should have done this or that for me. If God really loves me, why did He allow this or that to happen to me? Most times, we have very high expectations but the real truth is that we are very limited in our understanding on earth. There are several things we cannot see that God is working out for us. There are things in our present that we don’t understand and many things in our future that we cannot see. But God balances all these things to work out the best for us.
God does not fail to daily give us all the basic things we require for life and living. The essential things of life are freely given. The air we breathe, the sunlight and rain are all freely given. The organs of our body do not require an on/off button to function. You don’t have to ‘recharge their battery’ before they function. They operate automatically, each cell functioning the way they should. And God is the mastermind behind them all. He said a single string of hair does not fall without His knowledge. We should consider this magnificence of God and appreciate His love for us rather than being over mindful of the extras we desire in life. He had told us that these extras would be added through our continuous obedience to the Word of His Kingdom. But, several times, we fall short of this and still complain that God has not done enough. God literarily gave Himself to die for man when He sent Jesus to die. There is no greater love than this!
Think about His love and His goodness to you. Count your blessings and do not forget His loving kindness. God loves you, even in your sinful state, He beckons on you. Do not forsake Him.

Further Reading:  Psalm 8: 3-9; John 3:16

1.​Explain how God demonstrated His love towards man.
2.​Why does man sometimes find it difficult to see God’s love towards him?

Prayer: My loving father, open my eyes to your love for me that I may praise you everyday in Jesus name. Amen


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