Daily nourishment.


Dating Right - 2 Corinthians 6:14-18

Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness?  2 Cor.6:14

Marital relationship is a vital aspect of human relationship. This is because it is the most intimate and delicate to human emotions and mind. Many have made errors and are still making errors in marital relationship. Sadly many have made shipwreck of their entire lives because they missed it in marriage. I pray for you reader of this devotional that you will not miss it martially in Jesus name.

The normal course of marital relationship is from friendship to dating to courtship and to marriage. This does not mean every relationship at friendship stage will move to dating or every dating relationship will develop into courtship. However, it is observed that many errors in marital relationship is as a result of lack of or poor handling of the various expected stages of marital relationship. In this jet age, due to impatience, some people tend to gravitate from meeting someone to dating and then to marriage. They later regret that they have been married to a complete stranger. Some people rule out the place of God in relationship and later regret going the journey without God. Some people allow their emotions and lust to drive their marital relationship and run into deadly pitfalls. What is expected of a child of God that desires a godly and successful marital relationship?

(1) Understand the place of God in relationship, especially marital relationship – Genesis 24:12-15. God rules in the affairs of men. Don’t leave God out of any area of your life especially marital relationship. Our Bible reading today says that as believers, we must not be unequally yoke with unbelievers but many want to disobey this and succeed. You cannot make success outside of God. Don’t date anyone God has not chosen for you! Don’t date an unbeliever!  (2) Move at God’s pace and not your own speed. Be patient to maximise each stage of relationship. Don’t rush in and rush out! (3) Be Wise. Be guided by the Holy Spirit. Lean not on your own understanding. Receive godly counsel and be ready to do it the right way!

Further Reading: Genesis 24:1-22; Judges 14:1-3

1. What are the common errors in dating relationship?
2. What are the right ways for a believer should date?

Prayer: Father, help me! May I not miss it in marital relationship in Jesus name. Amen.


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