Delilah Effect 2 - Judge 16:6-21

And Samson lay till midnight, and arose at midnight, and took the doors of the gate of the city, and the two posts, and went away with them, bar and all, and put them upon his shoulders, and carried them up to the top of an hill that is before Hebron.  Judge 16:3

From our last devotional on Delilah effect, we understand who a Delilah is, what a Delilah relationship is and what Delilah effect can cause. It is, however, important to note that another aspect of Delilah effect is that it opens its victims up to one’s great enemies. It breaks down the wall of defense and makes it easy for all manners of enemies to invade unchallenged. It weakens your immunity and according to Proverbs 6:26 ‘a man is brought to a piece of bread’ easily eatable for the enemy! You must flee every Delilah in your life.

A close look at our reading today shows that Delilah effect does not usually start from Day 1. Samson has been visiting Delilah for several days without any problem. He continues to perform his great acts despite his constant relationship with Delilah. He was enjoying Delilah’s lap and at the same time enjoying the show of destroying the Philistines. He thought he had everything together until Delilah showed her true colour. Similarly, many believers have being eaten at the corridor of Delilah. They still feel the anointing in Church despite their constant relationship Delilah. In fact, they, having slept over at Delilah’s house, come to church on Sunday and signs and wonders still happen. However, they know deep down that they are in the wrong company! You must examine yourself today (2 Cor. 13:5). Check yourself before Delilah effects catch up with you! Samson ignored all the warnings until God left him finally. On the faithful day, he thought he would arise like other days but God had left him! (Judges 16:20). Don’t wait till the day God will completely forsake you. He is still beckoning on you to discontinue your Delilah relationship. You know deep down in you that God is not involved in the relationship. But you try to convince yourself that all is well. Learn from Samson and live right from today. Resolve within yourself to discontinue the ungodly relationships and make your way right with God. Don’t ignore God’s warning, it is very dangerous!

Further Reading:

1. What is the significance of the supernatural laws of God?
2. What factors promote the flow of grace and which one blocks the flow of grace?

Prayer: Father Lord, I heed your call. I put an end to all Delilah relationships in my life and I turn a new leaf to live for you all the days of my life in Jesus name. Amen.


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