Daily nourishment


Succeeding with People 2 - Act 6:1-7

Wherefore, brethren, look ye out among you seven men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business.  Acts 6:3

Yesterday, considering succeeding with people, we saw that God’s intention for man is not to be alone ranger but He has created us to complement one another. ‘Two are better than one’ says Ecclesiastes 4:9. We saw that even our Lord Jesus was not a lone ranger in fulfilling His assignment on earth. Therefore, as a person who wants to succeed, you must learn to walk well with people. You must improve your interpersonal relationship. You must reduce your complain about others and focus more on how well you can relate with them peacefully. There are believers who complain about everything and everybody. They are irritated by every action. They never see any positive side of anybody. They always have something negative to say about every person. The truth is that they are the real problem! If you are like that, you must look at yourself in the mirror, remove the log in your own eyes, before focusing on the speck in another man’s eyes.

In our Bible reading today, we saw how one can succeed with people as a group, a church, an organisation, a company etc. The Apostles, by the wisdom of God, solved a major crisis in their midst through effective use of the human resource available to them. There are a few lessons any group, church or organisation can learn from this. (1) Recognise your core function and focus on it – Acts 6:4; (2) Recognise available skills, gifts, potentials in people – Acts 6:3; (3) Put round pegs in round holes without sentiments - Acts 5:5. Note that selection of people was not by regional quota or political arrangements but by the Holy Spirit. You need God to be able to put round pegs in round holes - Luke 6:12,13; Acts 1:24; (4) Be open to delegation. Some leaders find it difficult to release power to their subordinates. They are afraid that many things can go wrong. Unfortunately, with this mindset, more things go wrong. Be like Jesus (Luke 9:1). No matter your level, you need people to succeed, maximise the potential of people around you. God has placed them there for your sake. Don’t neglect them. Prayerfully relate with them and you will succeed in Jesus name!

Further Reading: Ecclesiastes 4: 9-12; Luke 9:1-6

1. As an organisation or a group, how can you succeed with people?
2. How can delegation be effectively used by leaders?

Prayer: Father, help me to have effective relationship with people you have placed around me to the glory of your name. Amen.


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