
Here in the days when I switch my watch.
Ticktock rolling it measures the fantasy we lift upon us
Than the pharaoh chariots on the ocean it glory mash.
How dare you to tell me to count my days
When our heroes and one whose guilt unknown take their nap on the highway.
Where the daily dew hold them to barely find there way.
On the journey set they're all inclined that their last fate encumbered
What could have been the fate of the corporative loans we have hope to be paid
Or the pains that ensued from the last nine moon to be harvested that bows to this highway.
What a perfect fear it plants in me to wanting to ride on any institutions.
The fear of fraternities is the beginning of wisdom when you find yourself not being hook to Jesus
The only one that can turn their den to a home.
Bear my cross upon your loin that we all see in Christ kingdom.

The above poem was composed by me in remembrance of the students of the olabisi on a banjo university that were victims of the June 2015 motor accident.


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