The daily nourishment of the Church of the Lord (prayer fellowship) worldwide

DAILY NOURISHMENT Wednesday May 31, 2017

OVERCOMING BY THE WORD - Matthew 4:4, Luke 4;1-13,Deuteronomy 8:3
“It is written, man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceed out of the mouth of God”.  Matthew 4:4

Satan tried to get Jesus to fall into temptation thrice. And each time, Jesus responded with “it is written’. After the third attempt, Satan gave up when he failed and left Jesus alone.  He left him because he could not prevail against the word of God in Jesus.(Matthew 4:4-10)
The Devil actually quoted the scripture when he said “it is written”, but it is a misquotation. He quoted the scripture found in Psalms 91:11-12), to cause Jesus to display vain power and prove his sonship which is needless. Satan will twist God’s word to suit his mission, but you need discernment by the Holy Spirit to avoid this pit he is digging around you .Don’t swallow his smooth words because he is full of guile. We can recognize the devil at work when the word of God is deceitfully presented or when false version of a well known truth is thrown at us to make us contravene God’s law. Satan is the present usurper of man’s dominion and the prince of this world system. Children of God need to be wise. Do not allow Satan to make you feel bloated with pride and power. Be equipped with the word of God and prayer at all times. Align yourself with the spoken Word of God When you know God’s word and stand on it, Devil cannot prevail against you. Satan capitalizes on people’s ignorance of the word of God. They do not know the whole truth. This is why Jesus says, “And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free (John 8:32).
Have your “it is written” weapon ready. Build yourself up on the word of God before the attack comes.

Further reading: Mathew 4:1-11; 1 John 2:14

1. How can you recognize a twisted scripture?
2. What do you understand by it is written?
3. Relate today’s passage with what happen in the Garden of Eden.

Dear Father, thank you for the power in your word to foil the tempters deceitful snare. I receive confidence by the word and victory over the Devil in Jesus name.


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