DAILY NOURISHMENT Saturday, May 27, 2017

MATTHEW 25:1-13
“Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the son of man cometh”                      
                                      Matthew 25:13

In Tim Laye and Tom Jenkins’s book, “Left behind”, four young boys face terrible tribulation of the last days on earth after their parents, pastors and Christian friends suddenly vanished. They ignored the word of God and the end caught up with them. To these kids, it’s a waste of time reading the bible, going to church and living a holy life. All the preaching to live Godly life fell on deaf ears, until rapture took place. Let it be known that this scene in this book will happen, no matter how long it takes, for the word of God has predicted it. It will be a day of joy for believers but a day of sorrow to unbelievers. The word will be fulfilled according to the revelation given to John by God. (Revelations 191-10).Some predicted the coming of the Lord to be at a certain time and it failed, and some have dismissed it completely on the basis that the prediction has outlived many generations and has not yet taken place.   But God is not slack concerning this, He is only  patient, not toward mankind (II Peter 3:8-9).Not an iota of God’s word will go unfulfilled even if the whole world passes away( Mathew 5:18). But the word of God lives forever. God will be vindicated and his word justified.
Jesus said “I am the way the truth and the life, no man cometh to the Father except through me.”But those who ignore His word and hardened themselves to his invitation will have regrets. Woe betides Christians who are just church goers and not true believers like the Pharisees who appear holy but are deep of hypocrisy. They are white washed sepulchers outside filled with dead bodies inside.(Luke 11:44) Jesus said “not all who call me Lord, Lord will enter the kingdom of God. Examine yourself, what is your stand in the Lord. If the trumpet will sound now, if the vanishings should take place now, where would you be? What have you done with the word of God ministered unto you?  Are your garments clean and ready to meet with the Lord? No man knows the time and hour that the son of man will come. So, work out your salvation with fear and trembling. The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is salvation. He who has the son has life and he who does not have the son does not have life.
Rapture will take place before the tribulation (1Thessalonian 4:15-17) Christians are expected to be at the marriage supper of the Lamb. Let us be watchful and diligent in view of the coming of Christ.

Further reading: Matthew 24:32-44, I Corinthians 15:51-53, II Peter 3:8-14

1. When will Jesus Christ return?
2. What sort of preparation is required from Christians towards Jesus’ return?
3. Who are those that will be raptured?
4. Look around you, is there any sign of preparedness for Jesus’’ coming? Are you ready?

Oh Lord! Help us to be ready for your coming. And when the trumpet sounds, count us worthy to be numbered among the saints in Jesus name.


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