Stop defiling the bed before going to the altar.

Hello great people and friends. Hope you all had a wonderful sleep last night. I want to share this thought with you all on the prevalence of celebrating marriage under statute in the church with pregnancy.
To start with marriage is ceremony in which a man and a woman get married (longman pocket dictionary). The Black's law dictionary defined marriage as the legal Union of a couple as spouses. It States the essentials of a valid marriage as follows:
1. Parties legally capable of contracting the marriage,
2. Mutual consent or agreement,and
3. An actual contracting in the form prescribed by law.
It could be celebrated statutorily or customarily. This depends on the actual forms which the parties desire to celebrate it. Mind you it is different from wedding which is only base on the ceremony.
Wedding does not require huge celebration. What matter most is the ability of the couples to leave together with understanding and tolerance. It does not require that you must celebrate it in a religious gathering (eg. Church) and you will still have a well celebrated wedding. I am saying this because the Bible defined marriage to be honourable in all bed undefiled which means the parties must be virgin while they go to church to celebrate the wedding so that both of you will not comit contempt before God.
The wedding you do in the registry does not require whether you're a virgin or not but Church does. Though they're both statutory form of marriage.
Another way is the pastor blessing. This commenced during either the customary or marriage registry celebration in which you're not to be in the church before you celebrate it. It allows you to be pregnant before celebrating the marriage.
Don't get me wrong dear people. If Eve was given to Adam as a virgin by God what excuse do you have not to be a virgin before approaching the altar for the blessing of God. The only people (female) that are excepted are those that are victims of circumstances (rape). I am telling you that customary law marriage is also good if you can not hold yourself and it will be valid.You can invite your pastor to where you're celebrating the wedding to bless it for you. You are not to go before the altar when you've aborted or pregnant before celebrate it in the church. Because it's not right to wed while in pregnancy or have aborted pregnancy before the wedding. Peace


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