Hello pals trust your day has been awesome. Let me just share something with you about the word RAPE. Rape is defined as an act of having an unlawful canal knowledge of a woman or girl without her consent, or with her consent if it was obtained by force or any means of intimidation or threat of any kind, or by fear of harm, or by means of false or fraudulent representation of the act, or in the case of a married woman by personating her husband.
Here are the ways to determine if a lady is raped:
1. The act must be an unlawful canal knowledge
2. Such must be had with a woman or a girl
3. The act must be by any of the following;
a. False or Fraudulent representation
b. Fear of harm, threat or intimidation
c. Personating the husband of a married woman.
If any of above could be proved, it will be said that the victim has been raped. To proof the act of rape, such must be upon the proof of penetration. Once penetration is not proof we can't say that rape has been established. 
For instance in a situation where a woman or girl is promised to be given gift in exchange for sex but the gift was not latter delivered, this could amount to rape cos the consent was taken by false or fraudulent representation. Another aspect is the promise to marry. For instance a woman or girl being promise for marriage for exchange of sexual intercourse but was latter left or Abaddon by the man could mean that the woman in question has been raped. 
Sex with a woman or girl with force or by harm or intimidation could mean rape likewise sex with a married woman personating her husband is rape.
In conclusion, I appeal to you if you find yourself a victim of rape to open up and stop dying in silence. The law is there to fight your cause for you only if you can report to the necessary authority such as the police and ministry of women affairs in your state. 
Breach of promise to marry can be brought against anyone that fails to marry you after you've fulfilled all consideration of your part.
Breach of promise to marry is a civil suite which if you can properly proof your case against the person that promise to marry you in pretence for a gain eg sex, money and anything worth deliver as consideration for the things you've done for the person. You're to claim general damages for things you've lost so far through the breakdown of the relationship. This one is civil. But to proof the criminal aspect is to bring it under rape that the man through false or fraudulent representation to promise to marry you had canal knowledge of you in which if such promise was not made, you wouldn't have had sexual intercourse with him and he intentionally did it.


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