
Good morning friends,do you know that when a person gets married to another person during the lifetime of the other party to a marriage is a criminal offense that can land such a person to seven years imprisonment? An act as such is called bigamy. 
For a better analysis, the purpose of this is to protect one of the parties to the marriage from breach of marriage contract. Why did I say that marriage contract? Marriage is a contract cos it has all the attributes of a good contract in it such as offer, acceptance, consideration, intention to make it binding... 
For instance let's start from offer. When a man or woman sees a good looking or well behaved personality, he or she gets attracted to the person by one way or another. He/she makes a request to date or establish a good relationship with the other (woo). Thereafter, the other person replies by saying that I will go to consider it and reply later or accepts at once depending on how it went. Same happens in business sectors where you see a particular thing or business and you get to like it. The next thing you do is to show your interest for the thing why the owner will name his or her price. It's now left for you as a buyer to either accept the price or approach another office where you can get that same thing.
The acceptance comes in when the lady gives her reply that she's interested in the relationship and they both in joy move on with the relationship. Same is for business where after the price has been named to the buyer and he/she is satisfied with the price tag, then he/she pays.
Consideration in the relationship come in different ways depending on how the parties are desirous of it such as visiting a park, exchange of gifts, exchange of words of encouragement, exchange of affections etc once they have been able to get this done, they proceed to decide if they want it to be legally bound by it by going to the registry or go through customary way of marriage.
To make your relationship legally binding on you for marital purpose, you'll go to the marriage registry or registered place of worship to affirm your oath and after the oath, the marriage certificate will be issued to the parties. Then the marriage is binding on them. It is monogamous in nature and any attempt to turn it to bigamy will land such in seven years imprisonment. The main essence of this is to protect everyone going into marriage or being married from violating the oath sworn in during the wedding ceremony. 
However, bigamy doesn't apply to those that can't trace their spouse for the past seven years at least, widow/widower, marriage under customary law and divorcee. Thanks.


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