
Showing posts from October, 2019

October first

Thinking of the bay that daily gush  From our ray on this lengthy voyage. This at first wasn't envisage to be created, For our calculator has failed us in haste. Yes in haste it has failed us. Despite the mountains of conferences and aluta, Which has taken ocean from our skin. In smart cerebral, they lay us still in their cave. Not that warning hasn't been placed on us. Yet in anticipation for liberation, our drums made close. Ominira inira, ominira inira. Was the statement that could have stopped us, In falling prey of their menace. October first I hail you and celebrate your wisdom. Through ages and generations we shall sing your praise. How have you come to place this yoke on our neck? You're curse in all the days of the year. Oh you're bless in realisation of our foolishness. Thank you for making us to know our doom. Foetus wey come out with pupu no go be person. Na blood dem go be for dem no wait for their period.


Many a times everyone begins to be in deep thought of how to deal with the harsh nature of the electricity bill being brought by the electricity company as the sum for the expenses incurred in the use of the power supply. The following are your rights as consumer of electricity in Nigeria and you have the power to sue the company base on these: RIGHTS OF ELECTRICITY CONSUMERS. 1. All new electricity connections must be done strictly based on metering before connection. That is, no new customer should be connected by a DisCo without a meter first being installed at the premises. 2. All customers have a right to electricity supply in a safe and reliable manner. 3. All customers have a right to a properly installed and functional meter. 4. All customers have a right to properly informed and educated on the electricity service. 5. All customers have a right to transparent electricity billing. 6. All Un-metered customers should be issued with electricity bills strictly based


Hello pals trust your day has been awesome. Let me just share something with you about the word RAPE. Rape is defined as an act of having an unlawful canal knowledge of a woman or girl without her consent, or with her consent if it was obtained by force or any means of intimidation or threat of any kind, or by fear of harm, or by means of false or fraudulent representation of the act, or in the case of a married woman by personating her husband. Here are the ways to determine if a lady is raped: 1. The act must be an unlawful canal knowledge 2. Such must be had with a woman or a girl 3. The act must be by any of the following; a. False or Fraudulent representation b. Fear of harm, threat or intimidation c. Personating the husband of a married woman. If any of above could be proved, it will be said that the victim has been raped. To proof the act of rape, such must be upon the proof of penetration. Once penetration is not proof we can't say that rape has been estab


Good morning friends,do you know that when a person gets married to another person during the lifetime of the other party to a marriage is a criminal offense that can land such a person to seven years imprisonment? An act as such is called bigamy.  For a better analysis, the purpose of this is to protect one of the parties to the marriage from breach of marriage contract. Why did I say that marriage contract? Marriage is a contract cos it has all the attributes of a good contract in it such as offer, acceptance, consideration, intention to make it binding...  For instance let's start from offer. When a man or woman sees a good looking or well behaved personality, he or she gets attracted to the person by one way or another. He/she makes a request to date or establish a good relationship with the other (woo). Thereafter, the other person replies by saying that I will go to consider it and reply later or accepts at once depending on how it went. Same happens in business sectors

Summary nature of a will

Hello friends, permit me to ask you this, have you written your will?  What then is a will? It's a testamentary document made by an individual or a person in respect of how his or her properties will be devolved. Making of a will is very important to everyone especially if you are within the age of 18 and above. It's awesome to make a will as it's not only those having the expectations of death that should make it. It helps you to dictate how you are desirous of how your property should be shared after your death. The making of it will save your beneficiary from having to go through stress in recovery it from the wicked family members or unfavorable system of custom. It's govern by mode of marriage contracted (wedding conducted by marriage registry and registered place of worship). A person whose wedding was conducted in a traditional way or subsequently leave his life according to traditional way of life. The person needs not make a will and his property will be go
*FATE* See this wonder that enclaves our heart, The song we sang as the Israelites in need of king. That Change became our daily slogan. Yes we need it, oh it must be in earnest. In their time they called for revolution. This period, it amounts to a treasonable offense. Like the woman in the advice of Solomon Lured us to their feast. The sickness they have said to be healed. Has prevailed on us that what ought to be the last resort is their strength. Why and why has this loin come on us? We eat crumps in the midst of wealth. And our head is not safe offshore the land. What have we done that this yoke is laid on us Even this favour could not lure his Uncle to solve. It amazes me how a lawyer as him could be so interested in this man. Our hope is lost even in the man we cherish to found it. This is so astonishing for us to be slaves in our land. Dear great divine, in your trust we are For a Passover against this that has made itself our

Sale of landed property.

Hello friends, people have in several occasions fall prey of land grabbing and fraudster. Maybe due to their being eager to get the property or have much trust either on the referral or the vendor. This is suicidal and gullible. As a prospective buyer of any property it's onus you or your agent to do any of the following: 1. Consult the service of a legal practitioner. It's the duty of the practitioner to conduct necessary investigations and give appropriate advise on the status of the property. Whether it has eccumbrance or it's devoid of it. The following steps need to be taken before going ahead to make payment for the property: a. Conduct searches at the land registry or probate registry b. Make physical inspection of the property c. Investigate family background of the family (it will enable you to know whether the family are the actual owner of the property or the vendor has the consent of other members of the family to sell the property). d. Examine abstr

Presumption of innocence

Hello friends, have you found yourself in a dilemma of police wahala? Don't be panic as here are some tips to follow when you find yourself in their net. When they come around grant them audience and don't misbehave as such will not amount to a criminal offence. If they inform you that they need your audience at the station, just go with them but ensure to contact your lawyer. While awaiting the arrival of your lawyer ensure not to write anything till your lawyer or any other person of your choice is around. As at the time of arrest, you're presumed innocent and no body has the right to torture, promise or render you ridicule in respect of the alleged offense. It's only a court of competent jurisdiction that can determine the act of guilt or not and that's after all parties have been heard. Presumption of innocence is a matter of the Constitution that if such has been breach in the cause of investigation, the suspect has the right to seek a civil redress against