
Showing posts from April, 2017
HOPE In the pleasant of your heart my soul lay. Not in a gallivanting means do my journeys pay. Just to kindle that mustard laid in me while a zygote. That which has gone with many in a mare of no return. Could it be the village remotes that awakes the genius in the cave? Neither Eden's apple for the unity of both family ancient chain. Nor it is the shadow wife and her cook that sets us in the crates For a mystery wealth running in the street for plate. You are Jabez so it's declare. In leaping for the joy yet known my freedom bear That all has been nailed in my salvation. Let your praise daily stay in me like the angels. For preserving against those that can stop your rain from my mustard. learning at your feet and be worthy to reigning with you and the angels.
GLORIOUS NEWS. Sing to me aloud mighty one on white wing. Make it known to us the tidings we have long set for. Which were said in the ancient days of a coming king. Not the one that was in the snow seven years a sour. But whom his birth yet made known to us At his birth went through the test of a vampire king whom our new births' blood can not escape. Praise be to Him that knows all things before their reigns. Our tidings would have been sour at their existence before us. Now on ass he rode to Jerusalem like a ram to end its race at the skull. To prepare us for the greater place made for us to bear our call. Yet we eat his flesh and drink his blood in purity lest in grace. That it will all end in praise daily duelling in the atmosphere of grace. Will your head lay down the earth or with our king?